Our Vision:

A thriving body of Christ within remote BC coastal First Nations communities.

Our Mission:

Sharing Christ’s love and equipping communities to grow in faith.

What We Believe

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. Statement of Faith

We are a Christian ministry welcoming all who have a heart to share the love of Jesus with others.

We believe in the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

We believe that the Bible is God’s true Word given to us through writers inspired by the Holy Spirit that we might know God and His will for our lives.(2 Timothy 3:16-17)

We believe that we are justified (made right) before God, by His grace, through faith in Christ Jesus and we believe that no human works of our own contribute to such salvation. (Ephesians 2: 8-9)

We believe that the means by which the grace of God reaches our hearts, minds and souls are through His Word and Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper).

We believe God has called every Christian to go into the world and share the Good News of Christ Jesus, His love and His forgiveness of sin, through His means of Grace and through the deeds of our hands and lives. (Romans 10:17, Titus 3:5, Matthew 26: 27-28)

Our Staff

JULIE KLASSENOffice Administrator
Julie answered God’s call to the BC Mission Boat in the summer of 2020 after working in a tea and spices import family business, and serving at her local church through Kid’s Club, VBS, and youth group. Julie is the mother of four amazing Young Adults and lives in Campbell River.
Julie has many strengths including flexiblity, leadership, compassion, laughter and joy that she brings to the position of the BCMBS Ministry Director.
She loves to go paddleboard, go for outdoor adventures, playing soccer and spending time with family and friends.
Julie is excited to share God’s love and minister to volunteers, supporters, and the communities we serve.
Favourite Bible Verse: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.– Lamentations 3: 22-23 NIV
AMANDA COOKSummer Staff Volunteer
Amanda Cook is a young artist. She loves to draw and craft all sorts of artsy things. She attends Faith Lutheran Church in Surrey BC, where she helps with Sunday’s church services with technical equipment and broadcasting. She has participated in VBS events, helping to prepare snacks and come up with crafts for children. She loves to encourage creativity amongst other younger creatives and fellow youth. This year she has decided to join the staff to be of service for the Lord and for others, showing her gifts and talents through her creative works.
SONJA BLANDSummer Staff Volunteer
Sonja Bland is a wife, mother and grandmother, living on Quadra Island. Caregiver of chickens, ducks and the good dog Ryder. She attends Bethany Lutheran Church in Campbell River BC where she is a youth leader. She is a lay representative on Lutheran Church–Canada’s Regional Mission and Ministry Council in the West Region. A member of the BC Mission Boat Society Board of Directors, (temporarily stepped down for the summer) A summer staff member of the BC Mission Boat Society. She is an Herbalist, college student, armchair theologian.

Among her favorite things to do, she enjoys hiking, biking, kayaking, foraging, gardening cooking and sewing. An avid reader who strives to learn something new every day! She encourages everyone to have a daily scripture reading plan and prayer practice. Dear ones loved by God; Christ has risen for you!




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BC Mission Boat Society has various ways that you can stay connected with us. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!