Together We Stand

BC Mission Boat Society is comprised of many different people who contribute to the ministry. We are blessed by prayer partners, donors, volunteers and teams who serve in the communities. Please connect with us to find out various ways that you can be involved!

“It’s an experience you will never forget in your own backyard. People travel to other places to do missions and don’t realize what there is here in Canada.”

Harold // Mission Teams 2006-2010

“The three [mission] teams…share[d] their stories and experiences with each other: stories of God’s love both experienced and shared through laughter, little children, music, and more! God worked in all of us, and through all of us, in some pretty amazing ways!”

Concordia University // 2002-2012

“I learned that my expectations of myself in the role of ‘missionary,’ or maybe my definition of a missionary are different than what’s really needed in order to be effective on a mission field. It takes smiling at a stranger, colouring a picture and sharing crayons, telling a story, or saying a simple heart felt prayer… it’s the little things that matter more than we think or can see.”

Stacie // Mission Team 2011