Why Missions?
For us, this question has been answered in two very clear ways:
First, through the Great Commission and again through Jesus’ words in John 10 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19) “I [Jesus] have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)
We have been called to share, teach, and instruct the nations in all of our comings and goings. We seek to fulfill this so that all may see and embrace the fullness of life that can only be achieved through a relationship with Jesus.
Second, through a community’s simple question of, “Will you help us?”
In response to a question put on the heart of a fisherman, a crew from Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Parksville, BC took to the waters to visit those who lived remotely and to simply listen and learn. It was through these conversations and visits that the crew learned of how these remote First Nation communities no longer had a church or pastor to support the Christian community. They expressed concern for the Christians that remained and for their future generations; that they would grow up without the Christian teachings that they once received. Then a community simply asked the crew, “Will you help us?” Upon their return, the crew prayed and reflected on this question, and soon after responded by forming the BC Mission Boat Society.
Today we continue to respond to the needs that are put before us using the gifts of those who join us in connecting people in coastal British Columbian communities with God’s love.
Our Approach
We seek to provide more than a mere mission “experience”, but rather to provide an opportunity for you to use and connect your gifts with the needs of the mission community.
Your mission trip is also part of something bigger, as you become part of the past and future work of other mission teams and staff seeking to make God’s Love known on a year-round basis.
We also see missions as more of an adventure than a trip. During your mission “adventure” you will experience situations that will stretch and challenge you, things that may happen outside of your plans, and things that may even surprise you. As with any adventure, these challenges are not without great rewards; some that will be experienced and seen in the moment, others down the road, and some that we may never be aware of. And finally, our mission trips are custom created and designed around your team’s specific gifts, talents, expectations and schedules.