Thank YOU to all who participated in Giving Sunday! Your donation this #GIVINGSUNDAY helped us exceed our goal of $10,000.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
When you live in a remote First Nations community along the BC coast, there can be many challenges. Hearing the Gospel shouldn’t be one of them!
For 24 years, the BC Mission Boat Society has served the remote First Nations communities along the BC coast, sharing the Gospel and bringing the message of salvation through Christ. The faith-based relationships we have developed in all the communities we serve continues to build up our Christian brothers and sisters. We are truly blessed to be a welcomed into these communities.
Today, we are reaching a second generation of children from parents who attended Kids Club VBS over two decades ago. With your help, we continue to bring hope, peace, and love as we share the good news of the Gospel and sow seeds of faith for future generations.
Even though #GIVINGSUNDAY has passed for this year you can continue to donate. Each donation gives us more opportunities to share God’s love.
Donate Today

IMPACT of Your Gift
Supporting our mission enables children to learn about God’s amazing love for them and the great gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Your gift will provide craft and ministry supplies, food, and other curriculum resources that support our summer ministry. One of the most significant costs is travel into the communities. Each donation helps to offset these costs, enabling us to visit more communities more often. We are blessed to be able to share God’s love and encourage people in their faith.
Here are some examples of our travel costs:
Water taxi to Kyuquot (return trip)- $650
Truck Rental for a week- $900- $1100
Ferry to Klemtu (return trip per adult)- $215
Fuel for a return trip- $350-500
Housing in Kyuquot- $1300
Current Communities