Goals of the Ministry
- Share the love of Jesus Christ in all we do
- Identify and help in the needs of people including hammer
and nail activities and other ways of serving
- Share in visits with lonely people
- Outreach through Christian Children's
Camps (Vacation Bible Schools)
- Youth Ministry and fellowship activities
- Share in times of prayer, Bible study ministry and music
- Identify and support Christian contacts and/or lay persons willing
to share in lay ministry training amongst the coastal communities.
Statement of Faith 
This is a Christian ministry welcoming all who have a heart to share the love of Jesus with others.
We believe in the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)
We believe that the Bible is God's true Word given to us through writers inspired by the Holy Spirit that we might know God and His will for our lives. (2 Timothy 3:16 and 17)
We believe that we are justified (made right) before God, by His grace , through faith in Christ Jesus and we believe that no human works of our own attribute to such salvation. (Ephesians 2: 8 and 9)
We believe that the means by which the grace of God reaches our hearts, minds and souls are through His Word and Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper).
We believe God has called every Christian to go into the world and share the Good News of Christ Jesus, His love and His forgiveness of sin, through His means of Grace and through the deeds of our hands and lives. (Romans 10:17, Titus 3:5, Matthew 26: 27 and 28)
Who Are We? 
The B.C. Mission Boat Society welcomes all Christians with a heart to serve and share the Gospel in accordance with our Statement of Faith. Each year we work with approximately 200 volunteers from all over North America: 60% from Canada and 40% from the U.S.
The B.C. Mission Boat Society is a registered Canadian charity established in 1999. All donations are tax deductible in Canada. This registration is also recognized by the Internal Revenue Services in the United States for our U.S. supporters.
We are a Listed Service Organization with Lutheran Church Canada, and we are a member of the Association of Lutheran Mission Agencies (ALMA) registered with Ablaze!.
Our Board of Directors 
Board of Directors
- Pastor Craig Tufts, Parksville, BC (Chairperson, Pastoral Advisor)
- Lynn Gergens, Langley, BC (Vice Chairperson)
- Lawrence Spetz, Qualicum Beach, BC (Finance Director)
- Shirley Besler, Port Alberni, BC (Privacy Officer)
- Julia Paterson, Qualicum Beach, BC
- Andrew McAdam, Delta, BC
- Jeanette Domes, Qualicum Beach, BC
- Reg Renner, Langley, BC
- Chuck Edelin, Ham Lake, MN (USA)
Tribute to Rev. Robert D Koebernick- Pastoral Advisor 
Pastor Robert D. Koebernick …..A Tribute to our Founding Pastoral Advisor
Pastor Robert Koebernick, of Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Parksville, British Columbia, was one our founders and our first Pastoral Advisor. Pastor Koebernick served the mission in this role from 1999 until his death in 2006. He was instrumental in encouraging this ministry from its earliest days right through the 7 years until his death. He served as Vice President on the Board of Directors for the Mission Boat from 2001 to 2006.
Pastor Bob had a passion to share God’s love with everyone. He was a man of grace and brought caring and compassion to everyone he had a chance to be with. When a member of his congregational who felt God encouraging this outreach brought forth the idea of a coastal mission, Pastor Bob encouraged, joined in, and supported the vision of the mission. From the beginning, he was key in sharing the Word and encouraging volunteers from all over North America to get involved.
He loved to travel with the Mission Boat, to meet and be with people. He is remembered in many communities along the coast from his visits. He loved people. He shared God’s grace with hurting people and found ways to show them hope through the love of Jesus Christ. He brought laughter and learning to his ministry, and he will be remembered for all of these things and more.
One thing that Pastor Bob felt was an unexpected gift of the mission was the opportunity it provided to its volunteers and Lutheran Church Canada to help people grow in faith through service. He was a strong influence in building the relationship between the Mission Boat and Concordia University College in Edmonton Alberta. This relationship has seen Concordia encourage its students to work with the Mission Boat in outreach during reading week each February since 2002.
Pastor Bob was a passionate speaker and advocate of the Mission Boat everywhere he went: District and National conventions, Circuit meetings, and personal holidays where he worshipped at other congregations. He was tireless in his work for the Mission Boat and felt God had called him to be a part this mission.
He was a blessing to all of us at the Mission Boat and will always be treasured in our memories. Both he and his beloved wife Julie, also an active Director on our Board, have left us to be with God. Julie was suddenly called home to Heaven just 2 months after Pastor Bob. We know that they are relaxing in God’s presence and glory and that they will always be in our hearts as we serve God here on the Coast.
The Board of Directors
History & Vision 
Mission boats operated on the British Columbia coast for almost 100 years, providing medical services and Christian witness on board to many who would not have had access to treatments otherwise. In the late 1960's the larger mission boat ministries ended with the recognition that planes and improved roads had provided easier access to some of these isolated communities. Without the spiritual leadership that the boats provided, many of the small churches that had been started closed, and people were left without direct access to one on one spiritual support or it was available on a less frequent basis.
Many of these communities remain accessible only by boat or float plane after journeys that can last several hours. The foundations supporting how families have earned their livelihoods for generations, in fishing and logging, have been threatened by depleted natural resources. Many people are struggling to redefine their lives and find hope for their future. While the natural beauty of this coast is unparalleled, its very ruggedness can be isolating, and many lack the support and encouragement we enjoy in our home congregations.
There are presently a few individuals involved in ministering to the needs of the people on the coast. The mission field is large and the need is significant The Society has been encouraged by those presently ministering to support this mission field in any way possible, due to the challenges of geography and need.
The B.C.Mission Boat Society entered the mission field in 2000 with its first mission. That year, 22 ports were visited and over 400 people visited the boat for fellowship in a four week period. In many ports, the crew were asked to stay longer. Everywhere they visited, they were invited to return the next year. Invitations to come back to host Christian children's camps were received. The welcomes and encouragement which the crew received were heart-warming and spoke of the need within many people to feel the love of Jesus within their lives.
We now work with 16 First Nations communities and 40 other ports of call in our ministry. The Mission Boat goes out for the summer months of July and August. Throughout the year, Land Based Teams visit places that are accessible by land and water taxi. We have been able to extend outreach work on a year round basis to some communities.
Boats have always been an important part of life in coastal communities. The Society has utilized 2 different vessels. For the first two years, the "Misty Moon" served as our Mission Boat and, we have used the "T'yee J" since 2002. Boat travel is a natural way to visit people on the coast, and it gives our crews and opportunity to host visitors on the vessel for fellowship and prayer. Providing a witness to God's love for all has been an enriching and gratifying experience for the crew, as they felt people searching for a peace that comes from knowing His love for us.
The crew and land teams provide witness through Christian children's camps (VBS), hosting community barbecues, coffee times, Bible studies, music ministry, hammer & nail servant events and in other ways in which God calls us to share His love. Through this mission, the volunteers have the opportunity to see the beauty of God's creation in its glory within the mountains, inlets and vistas of the Pacific Ocean along the British Columbia coast. The sharing of His message with others, fellowship shared on board, and close friendships developed amongst the teams provide a life changing experience for those participating in this mission. They have the opportunity to experience a renewal of their own faith while serving.
Privacy Policy
In keeping with privacy legislation, the B.C. Mission Boat Society has prepared a Privacy Policy in order to inform you of our practices concerning the collection, use and disclosure of personal information that is provided to us by our donors, employees, and the people we serve.
Personal information is any information that refers to, or applies to any individual specifically. The kind of information that is often collected and maintained by the B.C. Mission Boat Society includes your:
- name
- mailing address
- e-mail address
- telephone number
- home church
- age
- photographs
- prayer requests
- charitable contributions (donors)
- list of talents and interests (employees)
- criminal records (employees)
The B.C. Mission Boat Society is committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality and security of your personal information so have established the following practices:
- We are responsible for maintaining and protecting all personal information that is gathered.
- We shall identify the purposes for which the information is collected.
- Your knowledge and consent are required for the use and disclosure except where required or permitted by law.
- We will gather only the information that is necessary for the purposes identified.
- Personal information will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected and will be destroyed when it is no longer required.
- We will maintain your personal information in an accurate, complete and up-to-date form.
- We will protect your personal information by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity level of the information.
- We will give you access to the policies that apply to the management of information.
- Upon request, you shall be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of your personal information and be given access to it. You may verify the accuracy and completeness of your information, and may request that it be amended, if appropriate.
- You may direct any questions or inquiries about our practices to the B.C. Mission Boat Society's Privacy Officer. Currently, the Privacy Officer is Shirley Besler and she can be contacted at 250 –248-5300 or Email: Click Here
The B.C. Mission Boat Society uses personal information for planning and coordinating activities in the communities we visit and to communicate with you to keep you informed and updated on the activities of the Society. Photographs are used for promotion materials to assist the BC Mission Boat, without identifying the names of individuals in them.
Should you not wish to receive our newsletters or have your personal information shared in the manner indicated in this Policy write to us at:
795 Island Hwy W
Parksville, BC V9P 1B9
Phone: 250-248-5300
Email: Click Here
We will be pleased to accommodate your request.
