Our Vision:

"Connecting people in coastal
British Columbian communities
with God's love."

Our Mission:

Working together to make
God's love in Christ known through
serving, building relationships,
and personal growth.

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"The BC Mission Boat was not only a wonderful opportunity for me to share my love for the Lord with other people, but it was a great opportunity for my faith to grow..." (read more)

"The mission trip was beyond my expectations! The beauty of BC was just awesome, and what a joy it was to tell the kids about Jesus and His love..." (read more)


about us

The BC Mission Boat Society is funded through donations from individuals and organizations, grants from foundations, and through fundraising projects such as our grocery certificate sales. Our organization is a registered charity in Canada and the United States, and donations from individuals or companies are tax-deductable. Donations can be made by online through PayPal, or you can mail us a cheque directly.

You can make a general donation to the BC Mission Boat society or sponsor one of the following specific ongoing projects:

  • Sponsor the boat for a week: $2,700 (6 weeks available)
  • This project represents our cost for chartering the boat we use in the summer, the Tyee J. Your contribution will make you a significant part of this unique way of bringing the love of Christ to an isolated coastal BC community. As a charter sponsor, in addition to a report before and after, you will have an opportunity to talk with one of the crew before and after the week is completed.
  • Become an honorary member of the boat crew for a week: $800
  • $800 is the suggested donation for individuals who travel with us on the boat for a week. This amount covers fuel and insurance for the boat, as well as food and other costs for the week. As part of your donation, you will be listed as honorary crew for one of our ministry weeks, and you will be asked to pray for the rest of the crew and the communities being visited.
  • Sponsor the travel travel expenses for a mission trip: $750
  • This amount represents the average travel cost for a ministry trip of one or two weeks to one of the communities we visit. The communities normally provide free housing to people coming with the BCMB to do outreach. Our goal for 2009 is to have our Outreach Worker go on one ministry trip each month, and our Director to go on one ministry trip every other month.