Our Vision:

"Connecting people in coastal
British Columbian communities
with God's love."

Our Mission:

Working together to make
God's love in Christ known through
serving, building relationships,
and personal growth.

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"The BC Mission Boat was not only a wonderful opportunity for me to share my love for the Lord with other people, but it was a great opportunity for my faith to grow..." (read more)

"The mission trip was beyond my expectations! The beauty of BC was just awesome, and what a joy it was to tell the kids about Jesus and His love..." (read more)


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Travel and Accommodation Information

The following is an acrobat document. Please click on the link, and if you wish, you can print this out for handy reference on your journey to the mission.

downTravel Info

Recommended Links

Recommended Reading

  • Ministering Cross-Culturally (2nd Edition)
    by Sherwood G. Lingenfelter and Marvin K. Mayers
  • God's Little Ships: A History of the Columbia Coast Mission,
    by Michael Hadley
  • Thomas Crosby and the Tsimshian
    by Clarence Bolt
  • Totem Poles & Tea
    by Hughina Harold
  • Heart of the Rain Coast
    by Billy Proctor and Alexandria Morton
  • Raincoast Chronicles (various issues)
    by Howard White
  • I Heard the Owl Call My Name
    by Margaret Craven

    Please check Amazon.ca for descriptions and reviews of these books, or search topics to find more: e.g. First Nations, West Coast, Mission Boats etc.
