“I learned that the goal of mission work is not to go into a place and to make Christians – that’s the Holy Spirit’s job. Ours is to enter a community, listen, understand, care for and help them in any way we can. Instead of doing missions, we who are the church have to be the mission.” Jason Schultz, Gilford Island
“It was an amazing experience both last year in Klemtu and this year in Kingcome doing God’s work and making a difference in the lives of the elders, children and youth. The situation to travel and meet such wonderful people is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The community is so welcoming and their smiles will be with me forever. My group and I were there for just a week and we befriended numerous people. I was also amazed by how much I grew in my own faith with Jesus throughout the trip.” Mitchell Loepp, February, 2007
“I went on this mission feeling scared and nervous. I kept thinking that I wasn’t meant to be here, that it was just by chance, a mere fluke. Now more than ever I know God placed me on this mission on purpose. The Lord had a plan for me even before I knew I was going. Being in Bella Bella was the one time where I really felt that I was meant to be there, and where I felt the closest to God. I can’t even begin to tell you what this mission meant to me. I can tell you, though, that…this experience has forever changed my life. So I really want to say to B.C. Mission Boat, thank you for giving me that opportunity.” Brean Gizzie, February, 2007
“When it was time to go home, what seemed like somewhere remote and far away became a place that will always be close to our hearts. We made many friends and were privileged to see God’s hand at work in the lives of His people…not only were we blessed through serving Jesus, but it was an incredible faith-building experience for those who participated.” Tammy Hakenen
“It was in that native community that after 2 1/2 days a feeling of great closeness became so apparent between us and the native people. They responded to us by showing much love while discussing life with us, the sharing of meals and later a wonderful farewell as many waved to us from the dock as we departed. God was certainly there with our crew.” Bud Eisfel from Surrey, B.C.
“The people in Bella Bella – children, youth and adults really blessed my heart. By the time that we left, lives were definitely changed.” Kimberley Beller, February 2007
